The Medical group is dental medicine dispensary opened in 2020.
Our top specialists use the latest therapeutic methods, knowledge and technologies from all areas of dental medicine.
We approach each patient individually. We believe that it is the right way to provide top service and a smile to our patients.
Within the Medical group, in addition to dentistry, there is also the most modern equipped dental laboratory, which enables us to provide the patient with a complete service and care for the health and beauty of the smile.
Professional and friendly staff take care of our permanent, new and potential dental patients.
We take special care of our smallest patients to make their first meeting, stay and treatment with us as pleasant as possible.
At your service is an experienced team of dental experts who respond to all your requests with their knowledge and professional approach.
Contact us with confidence !
The first examination and consultation for all services are free of charge!
Svete Marije St. 68
23000 Zadar
Tel: +385 (0) 23 333 330
Mobile: +385(0) 95 3663 737
Working hours
Mon- Wed- Fri 8.00 - 14.00
Tue-Thurs 14.30 - 20.30